USBTinyISP and ATTiny2313

Hello once again!

I recently acquired a USBTinyISP.


(or a clone, i guess)

I immediately tried to read and flash an ATTiny2313 that was lying around here. After studying the 6pin ISP pinouts (it took more time than I’m willing to admit), I tried to make a breadboard circuit, and failed spectacularly. I kept getting no response from the ATTiny.

Using this image for reference

I then decided to make a vero proto circuit to connect them. It ended up being a quite decent board, and will probably come in handy.

Vero Board

After connecting for the first time, AVR Dude had no problem detecting my Tiny2313A using:

$ avrdude -c usbtiny -p t2313

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.01s

avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e910a

avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK

avrdude done.  Thank you.

USBTinyISP connected to vero board

Easy connection

As you might have noticed, no COM/USB port parameter is required, since USBTinyISP is itself an independent USB device.

To flash an hex in the chip, just use:

$ avrdude -c usbtiny -p CHIP_MODEL -U flash:w:HEX_FILE.hex

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6 Responses to USBTinyISP and ATTiny2313

  1. Sampson orisakwe says:

    Do you have an idea where i can buy a cloned USBTinyISP for less than $5? I need atleast 50 pieces.Kindly send me a link if you have any.

  2. Pardal says:

    For $5 it’s a hard deal, but the main shop that sells them is adafruit. For 10-99 items you can get $19.80/each. The other way to do it is to try to make a deal with eBay sellers, that usually go for 10-15$ for a clone (like mine) with free shipping. I’ve had absolutely zero problems with the clone, so I guess it’s a good buy.

  3. sampson orisakwe says:

    Thank you Pardal, I thought i could get a cloned for much cheaper than 10-15$, i will try to get through to the sellers or can you link me up with one?perhaps a name i could search for or something.

  4. sampson orisakwe says:

    But then all is need is basically a cloned USBTinyISP, 6-pin header/cable
    Compatible with Arduino ICSP (in-circuit serial programmer). nothing more, that i why i though i could get it much cheaper.

  5. Pardal says:

    I see where you’re getting at. Usually both the Adafruit’s and the clones have 6 and 10 pin headers. The best solution in your case may be just buying one whole set, and then just make/buy your own pcb and flash the firmware in new chips (the USBTinyISP uses a 2313A itself. Or buying just the IC’s already flashed, and making/buying your own pcb’s. Or, as a last resource, flashing the IC’s and use breadboards to make the circuit itself (this is not easy, and it may cause troubles sometimes). Here are some helpfull links: – USBTinyISP Page. It has the parts list, wiring schematics, the pcb schematics, and the IC firmware. – Just the IC already flashed

  6. sampson Orisakwe says:

    Thank you Pardal, This is very useful at this time.

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